John connected and began to work alongside long term
unemployment back in May through East Ayrshire Works.
In the last two years John had become a single parent and
had struggled to find any long term work which lasted longer than a few weeks. He
lives in a rural area of East Ayrshire which had additional barriers to
overcome such as the lack of transportation to and from work.
John wanted a job in which he would learn valuable new
skills and transferrable qualities which would help him work towards providing
a secure and promising future for him and his son.
John was given an opportunity to work in the Gardens at ACDI
– He has gained invaluable new skills which for himself was the ability to form
partnerships and building relationships with his work colleagues and
surrounding areas. John hopes he can remain in employment going forward and feels
the Long Term Unemployed scheme through East Ayrshire Works has helped him gain
that confidence back and has set him in the right direction going forward.
John works very closely with Paul at the ACDI and have
formed a great working relationship.