Ian - Supported Employment Client

    Ian is 47, lives in Catrine and was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome at the age of 43. 

      When I met Ian, his confidence was so low he couldn’t make eye contact with me and he had no self-esteem.  Ian and I met weekly, we updated his CV, carried out job searches but never heard back from employers and this was making Ian’s mental health dip as he felt he couldn’t pass the Aspergers Syndrome label.   

      I managed to source Ian a volunteering placement at NCAFE in Cumnock (community Café in Netherthird Community Centre).  Ian volunteered for four hours over two days.  During Ian’s time volunteering, I saw him coming out of his shell, he became a different man, he was so much more positive, confident and outgoing. The staff at the Café approached me and advised that Ian was doing great and they would like to employ him.   

      I arranged for a 26 week ESF wage incentive to be put in place for Ian for 16 hours per week.  Ian was over the moon, you would have thought he had won the lottery.  Ian is sustaining his job with no issues.  Ian now pops in to my office to have a catch up with myself and other Economic Development Staff before he starts and when he finishes his shift.  Ian is always ready to start his shift 15-20 minutes in advance.  Ian now also comes along to our client group sessions and participates in all group activities.
