Challenge Poverty Week runs the whole week of 3 October until 9 October and EAC held an event on Monday 3 October at the Howard Centre, Kilmarnock for 75 practitioners from various organisations internal to the Council and external and also the volunteers who run Food Larders/Hubs (organisations like Social Security Scotland/NHS/SL33/Financial Inclusion/Universal Credit/EA Carers/EA CAB/Vibrant Communities) to have presentations and discussions to provide an outline of what activity they can assist with, and this was then followed by workshops and stalls.
This day allowed practitioners and volunteers to listen and take away all the information to assist our public with the issues they may be having.
Both SL33 and Social Security Scotlands presentations are available to download here within PDF format for read only
(SL33 includes video format on their "meet the team" slide which unfortunately can't be played).
Social Security Scotland
To apply for the benefits, they currently offer please visit Benefits and grants -
alternatively, you can phone their freephone No. 0800 182 2222
Clients can also request local delivery support to complete an application via this number.