Money Advice Scotlands Financial Wellbeing


Last month, Money Advice Scotland provided an update on the Cost-of-Living Crisis looking at the potential impacts of the October energy price cap increase. We also provided a webinar on “buy-now-pay-later” products. In addition, we have been delivering financial wellbeing workshops to communities across Scotland.


We have several events planned throughout September:


  • On the 8th of September we have our Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) Webinar. In this webinar, we discuss what BNPL is and how it works. We will look at some of the positives and negatives of using BNPL, as well as some recent updates regarding this new form of credit. For this webinar, we would be very interested to hear your thoughts and experiences. If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, please contact us via [email protected].


You don’t need to book a space on this session, simply use the joining instructions on the event page here.


  • Our online Train the Trainer session will take place on the 15th of September and you can book your place here.


Become a Supporter of Money Advice Scotland


At Money Advice Scotland, we have several aims. These range from helping people in debt, supporting the money advice sector, influencing policy and being the driving force for financial wellbeing for the people of Scotland.


There are several opportunities for supporters to be involved and stay informed with what we do at MAS. This includes things such as


  • Supporting us on campaigns and upcoming policy work.
  • Involvement in research. This can be from taking part in surveys and focus groups to simply sharing when we have research opportunities.
  • Sharing feedback or personal experiences with us to help guide and inform our policy work and the resources we provide.
  • You may want to become a supporter to improve your own financial wellbeing and capability too, as we will be able to give you direct updates on relevant news and the resources we can provide.


Our Supporter subscription is free of charge and open to everyone and you only need an email to register. To become a member simply click here and follow the simple instruction.


Cost of Living feedback


We are looking for feedback from people on the impact of the current cost of living crisis. Your experiences are important and will help shape our policy work and influence our webinars and content. If you would like to give your feedback, please click here.


New E-Learning Modules and Resources


We have updated and rewritten our e-learning modules with new content. We have also some new resources on our website.


Please visit the new section of our website here, for more information and to register for the modules.